Combining the value of $(this) to create an identifier name

I am attempting to create a hover effect on an h1 element that triggers the glowing effect on a span element with an id that corresponds to the value of the h1. While I have successfully set up a glowing effect for a sentence, I am struggling to replicate it for the h1 elements. My goal is to hover over an h1 and have a square of the same color glow as a result. Can anyone provide insight into where I might be making a mistake?

$(document).ready(function() {

  $("#verb").mouseenter(function() {
  $("#verb").mouseleave(function() {

  $("#noun").mouseenter(function() {
  $("#noun").mouseleave(function() {

  $("h1").mouseenter(function() {

._21 {
  color: red !important

._106 {
  color: orange !important

/*glowing effect*/

#verb {
  color: blue

#noun {
  color: blue

.hovered {
  transition: text-shadow 0.1s linear;
  text-shadow: 0 0 3px blue;
<script src=""></script>

  <span id="verb">Verbs</span> &nbsp; - &nbsp; <span id="noun">Nouns</span>

I <span class="verb">like</span> 
to <span class="verb">ride</span> 
my <span class="noun">bicycle</span> 
every <span class="noun">day</span>

<h1 class="_21" value="red">
<h1 class="_106" value="orange">

<p style="font-size: 28px">
  <span class="_21" id="red">■</span>
  <span class="_106" id="orange">■</span>

Answer №1

When working with strings in JavaScript, it is common to use the + operator for concatenation instead of the .concat() method. While both methods achieve the same result, using + tends to be simpler and more familiar to those reading your code. I myself had even forgotten about the existence of the .concat() method when reviewing your code!

According to the MDN page for .concat(), using + or += also provides better performance, although the difference may not be noticeable in a basic scenario like this.

In response to Patrick and Mikey's feedback, h1 elements do not have a value attribute, but you can utilize data-value as an alternative.

For a straightforward task like toggling a class on and off, consider utilizing Jquery's single-argument version of .hover(), where a single function is provided that handles both mouseenter and mouseleave events.

You can combine these suggestions into a cohesive solution as shown below:

$(document).ready(function() {

  $("#verb").hover( function() {

  $("#noun").hover( function() {

  $("h1").hover( function(){
    $( "#" + $(this).data('value') ).toggleClass("hovered");

._21 {
  color: red !important

._106 {
  color: orange !important

/*glowing effect*/

#verb {
  color: blue

#noun {
  color: blue

.hovered {
  transition: text-shadow 0.1s linear;
  text-shadow: 0 0 3px blue;
<script src=""></script>

  <span id="verb">Verbs</span> &nbsp; - &nbsp; <span id="noun">Nouns</span>

I <span class="verb">like</span>
to <span class="verb">ride</span>
my <span class="noun">bicycle</span>
every <span class="noun">day</span>

<h1 class="_21" data-value="red">
<h1 class="_106" data-value="orange">

<p style="font-size: 28px">
  <span class="_21" id="red">■</span>
  <span class="_106" id="orange">■</span>

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