The CSS for SVG circles breaks in Firefox, causing the browser to strip away the radius property

Currently, I am working on creating a progress ring using SVG and CSS. It is functioning well in Chrome; however, Firefox (61.0.1 (64-bit)) is giving me trouble as it does not display the circle. I attempted to apply the method from this question but did not succeed. Is there a way to style the ring so that it appears correctly in both Chrome and Firefox (latest versions)? Could it be an issue if I'm adding styles with [ngStyles] dynamically? This dynamic styling is necessary for calculating the space and displaying the progress.

You can view a live example on CodeSandbox. The example currently only works in Chrome and not in Firefox.


<div class="my-progress-ring">
        <circle class="progress" [ngStyle]="getCircleStyles()"/>

  width: 50px;
  height: 50px;

svg {
  height: 100%;
  min-height: 100%;
  width: 100%;
  min-width: 100%;

circle.progress {
  stroke: red;
  stroke-width: 4px;
  stroke-linecap: round;
  transform: rotate(-90deg);
  transform-origin: 50% 50%;
  cx: 50%;
  cy: 50%;
  fill: transparent;


public getCircleStyles(): any {
    return {
      'r': 21,
      'stroke-dasharray': 131.947,
      'stroke-dashoffset': 32.987

In this example, the values in the getCircleStyles function are hardcoded. In my application, I use a function to calculate these values based on the size of the progress ring and the current progress.

It appears that Firefox may be rejecting some properties or values in my styling. The r property seems to be missing

Answer №1

It appears that there is a discrepancy in how Firefox implements the SVG 2.0 spec. This could be due to incomplete support for SVG 2.0 in Firefox at the moment. According to the specification:

Some styling properties can be specified not only in style sheets and ‘style’ attributes, but also in presentation attributes.

Therefore, both style sheets and attributes should function as expected.

A quick solution would be to include the r, cx, and cy as presentation attributes in your circle element (as advised here):

<circle _ngcontent-c1="" class="progress" style="stroke-dasharray: 131.947; stroke-dashoffset: 32.987;" cx="50%" cy="50%" r="21" fill="transparent" ng-reflect-ng-style="[object Object]"></circle>

Answer №2

Upon closer observation, I have discovered that in Firefox version 102, units (px) must be added for r, x, and y to function properly:

    r: 150px; /* r: 150; not functioning correctly */

Fortunately, units are effective in both Chrome and Firefox browsers.

An interesting note is that the following rules work without needing units:

    cx: calc(var(--svg-width) / 2);
    cy: calc(var(--svg-height) / 2); /* calc() works without 'px' */
    stroke-width: 5; /* stroke-width also functions without specifying units */

Answer №3

Hey there, @JohnDizzle! I've observed that Chrome has been backing the circle's css r attribute for quite some time now. Interestingly, my latest encounter with Firefox 74.0b8 on Mac revealed that it also embraces this feature.

Furthermore, Safari 13.0.5 seems to have added support for css r, although I cannot recollect if this was lacking in previous versions.

Answer №4

In the past, we had to include attributes for cx, cy, and r to ensure our code worked smoothly across different browsers besides Chrome. Fortunately, Safari and Firefox have since updated their compatibility, so now your code should function seamlessly in all major browsers.

The inclusion of cx, cy, and r as styles is a recent addition to the SVG 2 specification. This transition has led to many attributes being converted into CSS properties instead.

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