Items vanish when hovering over them

Creating nested links in the sidebar navigation bar with CSS has been a challenge for me. While hovering over main links, I can see the sub-links being displayed. However, when I try to hover/click on the children of the sub-links, they disappear.

Note: My experience with SCSS/CSS is very limited, and I'm experimenting with adding some styling to a React app.

Code Sandbox:


import "./styles/style.css";

function App() {
  return (
          <div className="logo">
          <div className="nav__links" >
            <ul >
          <div className="burger">
              <div className="line1"></div>
              <div className="line2"></div>
              <div className="line3"></div>
      <div className="main-content-with-side-bar">
        <div className="side-bar">
            <!-- Nested links -->
          <!-- Lorem Ipsum content -->

export default App;


@import "variable";
* {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  box-sizing: border-box;
header {
  // Styles
// More SCSS styles

Answer №1

Based on personal experience, I recommend reducing the distance between the two elements without testing any code. Sometimes when you hover from one element to another, there might be a gap where the hover effect is lost. Ensure that both elements have hover and focus functions enabled. Alternatively, you can utilize setTimeOut() on the hovered element to allow for a smoother transition from one element to the next. The first suggestion tends to be the most straightforward solution.

Answer №2

The disappearance occurs when the mouse goes beyond the hover area. To fix this, simply expand the hover area.

To implement this change, insert the following code snippet into your styles.css file:

ul li :hover::after {
  content: " ";
  width: 100px;
  height: 20px;
  position: absolute;

You can view and test the updated code in the Code Sandbox here:

Answer №3

Whenever you attempt to click on the children of sub links, they vanish due to the left margin assigned to .sub-submenu. To fix this issue, consider reducing the left margin and increasing the width of the sub links.

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