Is there a way to conceal a div class on the Payment page in Shopify?

I have encountered an issue with the code on the Shopify checkout (Payment) Page. Unfortunately, I am unable to directly edit this page within Shopify, but I have discovered that it is possible to add custom CSS or HTML code within the checkout settings of my Shopify account. View checkout settings in Shopify.

Specifically, I am looking to hide a certain div class related to PayPal:

<div class="radio-wrapper content-box__row " data-gateway-group="express" data-gateway-name="paypal" data-select-gateway="37585059906" data-submit-i18n-key="complete_order">
  <div class="radio__input">
      <input class="input-radio" id="checkout_payment_gateway_37585059906" data-backup="payment_gateway_37585059906" aria-describedby="payment_gateway_37585059906_description" aria-controls="payment-gateway-subfields-37585059906" type="radio" value="37585059906" checked="checked" name="checkout[payment_gateway]">

<div class="radio__label  ">
  <label for="checkout_payment_gateway_37585059906" class="radio__label__primary content-box__emphasis">
      <img alt="PayPal" class="offsite-payment-gateway-logo" src="//">
        <span class="visually-hidden">

Is there a specific code snippet that can be inserted into the style box in Shopify settings to achieve the desired outcome of hiding the PayPal element mentioned above?

Answer №1

const box = document.getElementById("targetElement");
const btn = document.querySelector("button");

btn.addEventListener('click', _ => { = 'none';
  width : 200px;
  height : 200px;
  background-color : red;
<div id="targetElement">

<button type="button">Hide</button>

To hide a div element, use the CSS property "display: none".

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