I'm seeking assistance with a frontend script problem. I'm curious if there are alternative approaches to coding this script that may be more effective. Can anyone offer guidance on this?

As a frontend developer specializing in script injection, I have been utilizing Adobe Target to inject scripts. However, this method presents several challenges:

1. It is difficult to debug code errors as my HTML and CSS are wrapped inside ' ' and + in each line within the JavaScript file. This means that any typos or missing elements such as "position: reltive" in the CSS or HTML require thorough inspection of each line.

2. The complexity of the code makes it hard to keep track of everything as it grows.

3. Since all code is contained within one JS file, my code editor lacks necessary extensions and features (such as compilers). Thus, I must manually add ' ' and + at the end of each line, which becomes increasingly tedious with lengthy code files.

Seeking advice on a more efficient way to incorporate HTML+CSS within a JS file while ensuring proper code compilation by the editor, or if there are any VSCode extensions available to simplify this process for better productivity.

var style = document.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';

//CSS GOES HERE //This is an example
var css = '.container-fluid {' +
    'height: 400px;' +
    'background-color: black;' +
    'position: relative;'+
    'float: right;'+
    'width: 20%;'+
    'text-align: center;'+
    'right: 230px;'+
'}' ;

if (style.styleSheet) {
    style.styleSheet.cssText = css;
    } else {
    var script = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
    script.parentNode.insertBefore(style, script);

const anyvar =
  '<div id="container-fluid">' +




Answer №1

My suggestion would be to break up the code into separate files and utilize a module bundler to incorporate it into the JavaScript. This is the method that I personally prefer when facing this issue.

One possible solution involves using Webpack. By utilizing the npm package raw-loader, you can start with a CSS file, like so:

/* styles.css */
.container-fluid {
  height: 400px;
  background-color: black;

Subsequently, you can import the CSS file and assign it to the .textContent property of the <style> tag:

import styleTextCss from './styleText.css';

/// styleTextCss now holds the complete content in string format
// from the aforementioned file

// ...

style.textContent = styleTextCss;

While there might be some initial setup required, the benefits are substantial, especially for more complex projects.

(Additionally, this approach facilitates the integration of a preprocessor into the development workflow if desired - enhancing organization and reducing redundancy)

The same strategy can also be applied to HTML files.

Using distinct files with appropriate extensions enables real-time syntax highlighting and validation.

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