Is there a way to bring a child of an element with a lower z-index to the front, even if it is behind a child of another element with a higher

I'm facing a situation where I have the following layout:

<div style="z-index: 10">

<div style="z-index: 9">

Basically, the "whatever" div is being overlapped by the "Haaaaleluia" div due to the z-index values. I want to keep the z-index values of the parent divs unchanged but I need to find a way to bring the "Haaaaleluia" div to the front.

Any suggestions on how to achieve this without altering the z-index values of the parent divs?

For those who need a clearer explanation:

The second div represents a big map.

The first div serves as a tutorial.

The panel containing orders is a child of the map. I want this panel to appear on top. If I elevate the entire map, the tutorial gets hidden. On the other hand, if I keep the map behind the orders panel, the panel itself is not visible.

Answer №1

Simply put, achieving a scenario where a child element has a higher z-index value than its parent's sibling is not possible. This is due to the fact that the z-index inheritance is relative to the parent element, as explained in this related question.

Nevertheless, there are certain ways to work around this limitation depending on your specific setup. One option is to eliminate z-indices altogether and rely on the browser to stack your top div above the one below. Then, you can experiment with assigning z-index values only to the child elements.

For a more detailed discussion on this issue and potential solutions, Josh Comeau has written an insightful article that dives into the topic.

Answer №2

To reveal the div underneath without altering the positioning, z-index, or rearranging any elements, one solution could be to adjust the visibility, display, or opacity of the overlapping div.

You can apply one of the following CSS styles to the parent div of "Whatever":

visibility: hidden;
display: none;
opacity: 0;

Attempting to display an element above another with a higher z-index goes against the purpose of the z-index. It's recommended to manage overlapping elements using z-index. Consider re-evaluating how the elements are structured (perhaps relocating the "Haaaleluia" div outside its parent with its own z-index). Alternatively, creating a duplicate of "Haaaleluia" to show above "Whatever" could be an option.

Edit: After reviewing the provided image, moving the order box's parent to the tutorial div's parent might solve the issue. Here is a demo using jQuery to clarify the concept - adjust the hover event to fit your scenario. Another approach could be to clone the order box to overlap the one below with a higher z-index, ensuring only one is visible to the user while the clone covers other elements. This assumes the map div is positioned absolutely or relatively. Hopefully, these suggestions are helpful.

Answer №3

Great layout.

In my opinion, the key to resolving your layering issue, as suggested by others, is to move the box outside of its parent container (the map).

However, considering the constraints you've mentioned, I'll attempt to minimize any disruptions. Breaking out of your parent container's layer using only the z-index property might not be feasible as it is inherited, as mentioned by others.

One potential approach to achieving the desired effect involves using JavaScript, albeit with some drawbacks and potential future challenges:

  1. Determine the absolute position of the div you want to place on top.
  2. Create a duplicate of the div.
  3. Hide the original div (optional if it's opaque).
  4. Insert the duplicate on top of all elements.

If you are using jQuery, you can use the .offset() function to obtain the position of elements relative to the document. The implementation could be as follows:

$(document).ready( function() {

    $("a[href='#overlay']").click( function() {
        // 1: get the position
        pos = $('.wrap').offset();
        // 2: make a copy
        halecopy = $('.bottom .wrap').clone();
        // 3: hide the original
        $('.bottom .wrap').css({opacity: 0});
        // 4: Insert new label on top of everything
        // position the new label correctly
                      left: pos.left,
                      'z-index': 2});
        // show the "top" layer

    $("a[href='#hide']").click( function() {
        $('.top').fadeOut( function() {
            // remove the label copy
            // show the original again
            $('.bottom .wrap').css({opacity: 1});


This scripting solution worked well for me with the provided markup:

<div class="top">
    <div class="label">

<div class="bottom">
    <div class="wrap">
        <div class="label">

<a href="#overlay">show</a>
<a href="#hide">hide</a>​

Accompanied by the following styles:

.bottom {
    position: absolute;
    top: 10%;
    left: 3%;

.top {
    z-index: 1;
    padding: 2%;
    background: rgba(0, 127, 127, 0.8);

.bottom {
    z-index: -1;
    padding: 3%;
    background: rgba(127, 127, 0, 0.8);

.label {
    color: #fff;

.wrap {
    outline: 1px dashed rgba(127, 0, 0, 0.8);
    background: rgba(127, 127, 127, 0.8);

.bottom .label {
    z-index: 10;

For a practical demonstration, you can refer to this jsfiddle demo.

Answer №4

Implemented new colors into the divs to showcase their layering:

<div style="position:absolute;background:green;z-index: 10">
      <div>Something New</div>

<div style="position:absolute;background:yellow;z-index: 11">

Answer №5

Here's a potential solution to consider.

  1. Use jQuery to find the div with a z-index of 9.
  2. Next, select the first child of the first child within the div with a z-index of 9.
  3. Finally, add the following style:

$(element that was selected).attr("style", "position: absolute; z-index: 12;")

Once applied, this style will ensure the small element is visible within the red box.

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