When processing xml that includes text marked up into words, lines, and paragraphs, I am able to output html/css. My desire is to maintain the existing line breaks if the screen width allows for it, but if not, I want the browser to handle the line-wrapping.
If I simply add a <br/>
tag at the end of each line, here is the result:
On Desktop (looks good!):
This is a fairly long line, and it wraps here
and we move on to the next line, which also ends
moving on to the third line, line number three.
On Mobile (currently displayed):
This is a fairly long line, and
it wraps here
and we move on to the next line,
which also ends
moving on to the third line,
line number three.
On Mobile (desired display):
This is a fairly long line, and
it wraps here and we move on to
the next line, which also ends
moving on to the third line, line
number three.