The z-index of the fixed header in FullPageJS is causing the section's content to be hidden

For my current project, I am incorporating FullPageJS and using a fixed top menu that adjusts its height based on the viewport size.

On smaller screens, the menu items will be stacked on top of each other, while on wider screens, the menu items will be positioned next to each other, resulting in varying heights for the menu.

I referred to the Fixed Elements demo from FullPageJS and noticed that by inspecting the "Fixed elements" h1 with Firefox dev tools and deselecting vertical-align:middle within .fp-tableCell, the text appeared to move under the fixed header.

In reality, the content was not moving but rather aligning itself at the top border of its container. This behavior occurs because the sections always occupy 100% of the viewport height, causing content within the sections that is not vertically aligned in the middle of a table cell element to be masked by fixed elements like a fixed navigation bar.

My goal is to have a fixed header or footer without the sections sliding beneath the fixed elements, but instead stopping at the boundary of the fixed element to prevent any obstruction of the section's content.

One approach could be inserting a placeholder element with the same height as the fixed element below it, positioning it within the flow of the section to restrict the section from slipping under the fixed element.

Waypoints Sticky Elements achieves this for dynamically generated sticky or fixed elements:

A wrapper is created around the element.

This wrapper remains static on the page, serving as an empty placeholder in the document flow while the actual element gains or loses fixed positioning.

The wrapper element acts as the element used in the underlying Waypoint functionality.

The wrapper's height is set to match the wrapped element's height, ensuring consistent alignment even when the element becomes fixed, thereby preventing layout shifts.

When the sticky element reaches the top of the window, a class is added. This class should be styled using CSS to provide fixed positioning to the sticky element.

Answer №1

Stop overcomplicating things.

1) Assign a class to your content container and add a margin-top to match the height of your header, which is approximately 60px. If the header has a variable height, consider using calc() in your CSS.

HTML: <div class="content-area">


.content-area {
  margin-top: 60px;
  padding: 0 60px 60px;

2) Your header had multiple position declarations. For a fixed header, simply use position:fixed; Here's how it should look:

header {
    width: 100%;
    height: 50px;
    background-color: hsla(0, 0%, 20%, 1);
    box-shadow: 0px 2px 8px #222;
    position: fixed;
    top: 0;

3) The height of your menu items does not impact the header size based on my testing. It didn't require a z-index declaration either. Revisit your example for accuracy.

I made some adjustments to your code. It now functions properly, but your query seems unclear:

Answer №2
The solution involving a placeholder to manage the fixed element within the layout was implemented successfully.

To achieve this, a div like dummy-buffer or placeholder is prepended to the .fp-tableCell class with the height matching that of the fixed element (referred to as navHeight in this case).

Setting the height of the placeholder equal to navHeight ensures that the fixed element no longer overlaps the content within the .section. An image demonstration showcases this behavior during transition.

Note: Adjustments were also made to the default fullPage.css rule for proper alignment of section content at the top.

.fp-tableCell {
  vertical-align:top !important;

$('.fp-tableCell').prepend($('<div class="dummy-buffer">DUMMY BUFFER</div>'));

var navHeightUpdate = function(){
    var navHeight = $('.navigation').outerHeight();
    console.log('Navigation Height = '+navHeight);


View demo on JSFiddle

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