Steps to insert a new row for a grid item using material-ui

When it comes to breaking a line of grid item like this, the image shown below illustrates how the rest space of the grid should be empty.
<Grid container spacing={3}
  <Grid item xs={12}>
    "Grid Item xs={12}"

  <Grid item xs={4}>
    "Grid Item xs={4}"
  // empty space
  <Grid item xs={12}>
    "Grid Item xs={12}"


Are you wondering whether to use an inner grid container or opt for display flex instead?

Answer №1

I think it would be beneficial to include the

<Box width="100%"/>

    <Grid container spacing={3}
      <Grid item xs={12}>
        "Grid Item xs={12}"
      <Grid item xs={4}>
        "Grid Item xs={4}"

      <Box width="100%"/> // this creates some space

      <Grid item xs={12}>
        "Grid Item xs={12";

Answer №2

I implemented a new solution to tackle this issue:

export const CustomGrid = styled.div`
  width: 100%

After applying this change, your code will appear as follows:

<Grid container spacing={3}>
  <Grid item xs={12}>
    "Grid Item xs={12}"
  <Grid item xs={4}>
    "Grid Item xs={4}"
  <CustomGrid />
  <Grid item xs={12}>
    "Grid Item xs={12}"

Answer №3

If you want to add an empty grid with a xs of 8, you can do it like this:

<Grid container spacing={3}
  <Grid item xs={12}>
   "Grid Item xs={12}"
 <Grid item xs={4}>
  "Grid Item xs={4}"
 <Grid item xs={8}>
  // Placeholder for content 
 <Grid item xs={12}>
  "Grid Item xs={12)"

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