Issue with jQuery Quicksand's CSS rendering in Internet Explorer and Firefox browsers, but not affecting Chrome

I'm attempting to achieve an icon-swapping effect using jQuery+quicksand. Although it works seamlessly in Chrome, I am encountering issues with IE and Firefox. Given that the more intricate quicksand demos function flawlessly across all browsers, I suspect there may be a CSS error on my end.

You can find the site here:

On FF and IE, when the icons animate, they stack vertically instead of rearranging horizontally like they do in Chrome.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. The height of the containing div is fixed; the UL styles are basic (and minimal in the quicksand demos), so I'm unsure where the issue lies. It seems as though the animation assumes the list should be arranged vertically, even though no such style has been assigned based on my assessment.

Answer №1

When a specific width is set for your Division, it functions perfectly in Firefox.

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