Several iFrames embedded on the website automatically adjust to the same pre-set height

Apologies if this question has already been addressed, but I am struggling to properly articulate it. Here's the issue: I have a client's holiday accommodation website that uses three embedded iFrames for a Calendar, Booking Enquiry, and floorplans from different vendors. The problem lies in the fact that each iFrame has a different width and height.

While setting the width to 100% is not an issue, adjusting the height proves to be challenging as it keeps defaulting back to a specific size of 309px, which is specified in two CSS files essential for the site.

Is there a way to override this default height using a snippet of code? You can view the site in question here. The main concern is with the floor plans section, where the smaller iFrame does not fully showcase the potential of the plans. Thank you in advance!

Answer №1

Upon reviewing the content, it appears that only one CSS file, app.css, is influencing the styling of your iframe. Although there are other CSS files present, none of them impact the height of this particular element.

I presume you are referring to the following code snippet from your website:

<iframe frameborder="0" height="400" scrolling="no" src="" width="100%"></iframe>

It seems that the height is being specified in two separate locations. Firstly, within app.css using the following code:

    text-align: center;

Additionally, the height attribute is set for the iframe as shown in the initial code example. I recommend removing the height="400" attribute from your iframe tag and solely defining the height within the app.css file.

In upcoming instances, consider utilizing tools like the Firefox developer tools or Chrome developer tools to manipulate the CSS live on the page, enabling you to identify necessary modifications and observe their effects on surrounding content.

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