Is it possible to utilize a WordPress page as a CSS stylesheet?

Is there a way to customize my WordPress theme's CSS through a Page in the backend rather than editing the default style.css file? I've seen it as a page template before but I'm having trouble figuring it out on my own.

I'm currently running WordPress version 4.7.2 on a Multisite. My goal is to have the CSS generate when the theme is activated, which is why I want to use a Page for this purpose.

If there's an easy solution to this or any other methods you recommend, please let me know. Thank you!

Answer №1

If you're looking to enhance your website's design, I suggest utilizing a plugin like or leveraging the WordPress Customizer "Additional CSS" field.

Regarding the specific question at hand, creating a custom page template for CSS modification is relatively straightforward. To accomplish this, you'll need FTP access and a code editor to craft the template before transferring it to your theme folder (preferably within a child theme to avoid losing changes during updates).

The designated name for my CSS page template was: css-page.php

This template simply requires an opening php tag to function correctly.

Here's the code snippet for the css-page.php template:


* Template Name: CSS page
* Not a recommended idea.

header("Content-type: text/css; charset: UTF-8");


//minify CSS
function compress( $minify ) {

    /* remove comments */
    $minify = preg_replace( '!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!', '', $minify );

    /* remove tabs, spaces, newlines, etc. */
    $minify = str_replace( array("\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t", '  ', '    ', '    '), '', $minify );

        return $minify;

//get the content
if (have_posts()) : 

while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();

    $content = get_the_content();

    $content = wp_filter_nohtml_kses( $content );

    echo $content;




To implement this custom CSS page template, add the following code snippet to your functions.php file in your child theme or a related custom plugin, ensuring to make the necessary adjustments as indicated:

Replace the value p='3134' with the respective page ID where the template will be applied, and modify or remove the id="something" attribute according to your preferences to facilitate any JavaScript manipulation.

Code for functions.php:

//Get CSS page contents
function myprefix_page_css() {
    echo '<link rel="stylesheet" id="something" href="'. site_url() .'/?p=3134" type="text/css" media="screen">';
add_action( 'wp_head', 'myprefix_page_css', 99 );

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