The webpage failed to show the hamburger menu

I'm trying to create a hamburger menu and have written the following code:

<header class="header">
<nav class="flex flex-jc-sb flex-ai-c">
<a href="/" class="header__logo">
<img src="images/logo.svg" alt="easybank" />
<a href="#" class="header__menu">

and here is the corresponding SCSS code:


    padding: 24px;


&__menu{ //hamburger menu
    > span{
        display: block;
        position: absolute;
        width: 4px;
        height: 1px;
        background-color: $darkBlue;

            margin-bottom: 5px;



However, when I revisit the website, the hamburger menu isn't displaying. Upon inspection, it shows that span 0x17. Can someone help me troubleshoot this issue? Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

It appears that some tags have not been properly closed

.header nav {
     padding: 24px;
 .header__menu > span {
     display: block;
     position: absolute;
     width: 4px;
     height: 1px;
     background-color: #aaa;
 .header__menu > span:not(:last-child) {
     margin-bottom: 5px;
<header class="header">
<nav class="flex flex-jc-sb flex-ai-c">
<a href="/" class="header__logo">
<img src="images/logo.svg" alt="easybank" />
<a href="#" class="header__menu">

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