Ways to eliminate the dotted line from the image map in Internet Explorer 11

Below you will find the code I am working with:

<img alt="Testing 2015" border="0" src="images/Test-2015.jpg" usemap="#Map" />

<p><map name="Map"><area coords="790,100,653,135" href="http://www.google.com/" shape="rect" style="cursor:pointer;" target="_blank" /></map></p>

Whenever I click on the image, a dotted line appears.

If anyone has a solution to this issue, your help would be greatly appreciated!

Answer №1

Adding onfocus="blur();" to the code section below will fix the issue:

   <img alt="Testing 2015" border="0" src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/fr/d/de/140_WHITE_on_WHITE_S.png" usemap="#Map" width='200'/>

<p><map name="Map"><area coords="0,0,200,100" onfocus="blur();" href="javascript:return false;" shape="rect" style="cursor:pointer;" target="_blank" /></map></p>

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