What is the best location for storing css files in Laravel?

I've come to realize that I can easily make changes to the app.scss file in my Laravel projects and see those changes reflected by running npm run dev or npm run watch.

However, I'm faced with a dilemma when dealing with multiple .css files. Where should I store them and how do I go about compiling them?

Despite combing through the documentation and watching numerous Laracasts videos, I still haven't found a clear answer.

In the official documentation, it mentions:

Similar to the less method, you can compile various Sass files into their own CSS counterparts and even modify the output directory for the resulting CSS:

mix.sass('resources/sass/app.sass', 'public/css') .sass('resources/sass/admin.sass', 'public/css/admin');

So does this imply that if I have an admin.css file, I should rename it to admin.scss and place it within the sass directory? Would Laravel then automatically compile it and put it in public/css/admin? Do I need to convert each .css file into an .scss file and specify them individually in webpack.mix.js?

It might sound straightforward, but I've dedicated countless hours trying to grasp this concept.

Answer №1

Feel free to place your CSS files wherever suits you best. However, a recommended practice is to create a css/ folder within your public directory and store all your css files there. Then, use the <link> tag to include these css files.

If you have multiple files such as admin.css, user.css, etc., consider creating a single styles.css file and using the @import statement to import all other css files into one. This way, you only need to link the styles.css file in any blade file you choose.

I hope this advice proves helpful to you.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment.

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