Combining D3.js tooltip positioning with CSS overflow styling

I am encountering an issue with displaying tooltips in D3 when combined with CSS overflow. Is there a solution available for this particular problem?

CSS code:

#chart1 {
    overflow-x: auto;
    overflow-y: hidden;
   max-width: 800px;
   max-height: 225px;
   position: absolute;
   left: 140px;
   top: 10px;

D3 code:

.on("mouseover", function(d) {
                        .style("opacity", 0);
                        .style("visibility", "visible") 
                        .style("opacity", .8);
                    tooltip.html(d.visitCountry + "<br/> " + tooltipDate(d.startDate) + " - " + tooltipDate(d.endDate) + "<br/> " + d.visitPurpose)
                        .style("left", (d3.event.pageX - 15) + 'px') // possible issue here?
                        .style("top",  (d3.event.pageY - 10) + 'px'); // possible issue here?
                .on("mousemove", function(d) {
                    return"top", (d3.event.pageY - 10)+"px").style("left",(d3.event.pageX - 110)+"px");
                .on("mouseout", function(d) {
                    .style("visibility", "hidden");

When the page hasn't been scrolled, the tooltip functions correctly. However, the positioning of the tooltip is affected otherwise.


Answer №1

When working with the chart, it is important to consider the overflow-x property. Utilize the scrollLeft attribute of the chart1 element to accurately position the tooltip:

d3.event.pageX + document.getElementById("chart1").scrollLeft

Additionally, I recommend using the offsetTop and offsetLeft values instead of hard-coding the absolute offset for the chart div. This method allows you to adjust the div's position without needing to modify the corresponding JavaScript code.

d3.event.pageX + document.getElementById("chart1").scrollLeft - document.getElementById("chart1").offsetLeft

To summarize, your code would look like this:

.on("mousemove", function(d) {
    return"top", (d3.event.pageY - document.getElementById("chart1").offsetTop + 15)+"px").style("left",(d3.event.pageX-document.getElementById("chart1").offsetLeft + document.getElementById("chart1").scrollLeft + 10)+"px");

Answer №2

Have you attempted utilizing d3.tip.js before? It's a simple tool for creating tooltips:

See Example Here

API: Learn More Here

How to change the tooltip direction programmatically

tip.direction(function(d) {
  if(d == 'california') return 'w'
  if(d == 'new york') return 'e'

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