Is it possible to position two fixed divs side by side?

I am currently in the process of building my online portfolio. I am looking to create two fixed divs that will not scroll, each occupying the full height of the page. The content between these two divs should be scrollable while the bars on the left and right remain fixed (refer to image).

Here is the code snippet for the left div:

.content_left {
  background-color: #000;
  float: left;
  height: 100vh;
  width: 10%;
  position: fixed;

Thank you immensely for your assistance! I appreciate any advice or suggestions you can offer.

The divs labeled 1 & 2 in the image need to stay fixed

Answer №1

To easily align the left div, you can use left:0px; and for the right div, apply right:0px;. Make sure to include position:fixed; for both elements.

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