How to Implement Autoplay Feature in YouTube Videos with React

I'm having trouble getting my video to autoplay using react. Adding autoplay=1 as a parameter isn't working. Any ideas?

Below is the code I am using.

  className="video mt-5"
         position: "relative",
         paddingBottom: "56.25%" /* 16:9 */,
         paddingTop: 25,
         height: 0
             position: "absolute",
             top: 0,
             left: 0,
             width: "100%",
             height: "100%"

Answer №1

If you're looking to embed a video without the need for additional clicks, consider using the react-player library instead of <iframe>. This will ensure that your video plays automatically without any interruptions.

import ReactPlayer from "react-player";


With this setup, your video will autoplay seamlessly :)

Answer №2

As per the latest updates in YouTube policies in 2018, the option to autoplay videos with sound has been removed. However, you can still autoplay a video while keeping it muted by using an iframe code:

<iframe src=''
        allow='autoplay; encrypted-media'

Answer №3

Here's the solution that worked for me

In case you're incorporating <video> in a React project

  • Ensure to use autoPlay instead of autoplay for React.
  • Don't forget to also include muted

<video autoPlay muted src="/vid.mp4" />

If you prefer using autoplay in lowercase, make sure to assign the value as autoplay="true"

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