Is it possible to have one div layer on top of another?

On my website, I have a line of text that is revealed when a dropdown arrow is clicked. However, there are certain pages where the divs extend beyond this single line of hidden text.

For example:

I need the green div (normally white) to overlap the div above it (blue body with orange margins). My objective is to cover a link positioned 15px below the arrow under the word "Bukau", while keeping the text on the left intact.

I believe the solution might involve making the 'green' div fixed or changing the z-index values.

In addition, I want to ensure that the green block behaves like an extension of the content below it, moving up and down when the user clicks the arrow toggle.

I would appreciate any advice or suggestions!

Answer №1

Here's the solution: Just adjust the top-margin of the 'green' div to around -50 pixels and change its position to 'relative'

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