Attach the div element firmly to the bottom of the webpage

I'm trying to place a second div under one with position absolute, but the two divs have different widths. The top div is centered and positioned absolutely, while the bottom div should span 100% of the width. Any suggestions on how to achieve this?

Answer №1

  • create a single div that includes both items
  • implement the use of float:right


div#customButtons {
div.custom {

Answer №2

Enclose the two DIVs within a new container and set its position to absolute instead of the initial one.

Answer №3

While not officially tested, this solution should work:


<div class="container">
      <div class="box1">
         Some content
      <div class="box2">
         More content

And for the CSS:

      position: absolute;
      width: 500px; 
      height: 400px;/*customize as needed*/

      position: relative; /*or static*/

I hope this solution is what you were looking for :)

Answer №4

Verified HTML Code

<div class="container">
<div class="top-section>
<div class="bottom-section>

CSS Styles

.container{width:980px;margin:0 auto;position:absolute;}

Answer №5

Here is a suggestion for you to try out, and then you can transfer the styling to your CSS file:

<div style="width:500px; margin: auto; height:200px; background-color:black;">
<div style="width:100%; height:200px; background-color:green;">

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