What is a method to resize an SVG path to a specific pixel size without altering any of the SVG attributes?

Is it possible to adjust the size of a <path> to fit a specific px dimension by simply altering the attributes of the path itself?

Within an SVG, I have a carrot symbol represented by a <path>.

<svg height="600" width="400">
    <path id="carrot" fill="darkorange" d="M30 13c-1-3-5-4-7-2h-1l1-11h-3l-1 
                                9-4-7-3 1 5 8-8-4-1 2 9 5h-1c-2 
                                2-3 5-2 7l2 2 5-3 1 2-5 3 8 9 5-3 
                                2 2-5 3 12 14 3-2-8-25-5 3-1-2 5-3-3-8"/>

Currently, the carrot path fits into a 50px * 50px square. How can I resize the carrot path to fit into a different size, such as a 30px * 30px square?


I came across a solution in response to this query to adjust a path to a specific size by modifying the attributes of the <svg> container. However, my <svg> contains other elements that I do not want to alter, so this solution doesn't work for me.

I can use the "transform" attribute of the <path> to scale it, but this only allows for scaling based on a ratio, rather than adjusting the <path> to a precise px size.

Answer №1

It is possible to nest <svg> elements. The inner element allows you to utilize the x and y attributes for precise path positioning.

<svg x="40" y="40" height="800" width="600">
    <svg width="50" height="50" viewBox="0 0 70 70">
        <path id="apple" fill="green" d="M50 23c-2-5-6-6-9-3h-2l2-22h-5l-2 
                                18-6-11-4 2 8 12-10-5-2 4 11 7h-2c-4 
                                4-6 8-4 11l4 4 8-5 2 4-8 5 13 14 4-3-10-30-7 4-2-4 7-5-4-11"/>

Answer №2

To ensure proper scaling and visibility of your svg elements, consider wrapping them in a <symbol> element that supports element-based viewBox properties.

However, remember to include <use> elements as well, as they are essential for making your graphic assets visible.

As highlighted by @ccprog:
it is crucial to define a suitable <viewBox> for proportional scaling to prevent any cropping of your graphics.

svg {
  border: 1px solid red
<h3>Original svg assets</h3>
<svg height="400" width="600">
  <path id="carrot" fill="darkorange" d="M30 13c-1-3-5-4-7-2h-1l1-11h-3l-1 9-4-7-3 1 5 8-8-4-1 2 9 5h-1c-2 2-3 5-2 7l2 2 5-3 1 2-5 3 8 9 5-3 2 2-5 3 12 14 3-2-8-25-5 3-1-2 5-3-3-8z" />
  <path id="carrotLarge" fill="green" d="M 400 130 c -10 -30 -50 -40 -70 -20 h -10 l 10 -110 h -30 l -10 90 l -40 -70 l -30 10 l 50 80 l -80 -40 l -10 20 l 90 50 h -10 c -20 20 -30 50 -20 70 l 20 20 l 50 -30 l 10 20 l -50 30 l 80 90 l 50 -30 l 20 20 l -50 30 l 120 140 l 30 -20 l -80 -250 l -50 30 l -10 -20 l 50 -30 l -30 -80z" />
<h3>Svg elements wrapped in symbols</h3>
<svg height="400" width="600">
  <symbol id="symbolCarrot" viewBox="0 0 50 50">
    <path d="M30 13c-1-3-5-4-7-2h-1l1-11h-3l-1 9-4-7-3 1 5 8-8-4-1 2 9 5h-1c-2 2-3 5-2 7l2 2 5-3 1 2-5 3 8 9 5-3 2 2-5 3 12 14 3-2-8-25-5 3-1-2 5-3-3-8z" />
  <symbol id="symbolCarrotLarge" viewBox="100 0 500 500">
    <path d="M 400 130 c -10 -30 -50 -40 -70 -20 h -10 l 10 -110 h -30 l -10 90 l -40 -70 l -30 10 l 50 80 l -80 -40 l -10 20 l 90 50 h -10 c -20 20 -30 50 -20 70 l 20 20 l 50 -30 l 10 20 l -50 30 l 80 90 l 50 -30 l 20 20 l -50 30 l 120 140 l 30 -20 l -80 -250 l -50 30 l -10 -20 l 50 -30 l -30 -80z" />
  <use href="#symbolCarrot" width="50" height="50" fill="darkorange"></use>
  <use href="#symbolCarrotLarge" width="500" height="500" x="100" fill="green"></use>
  <use href="#symbolCarrotLarge" width="30" height="30" x="50" fill="red"></use>
<h3>Resused svg assets – outside original svg</h3>
<svg height="30px" width="30px">
  <use href="#symbolCarrot" fill="darkorange"></use>
<svg height="50px" width="50px">
  <use href="#symbolCarrot" fill="darkorange"></use>
<svg height="30px" width="30px">
  <use href="#symbolCarrotLarge" fill="green"></use>

Make sure that the viewBox values are defined using user units. For example, the carrot path's d attribute should fit within a user unit square of 50x50 units.

Once the viewBox is set correctly, you can easily scale your svg graphics to any desired output size.

One common use case for <symbol> elements is to create reusable svg assets outside the original svg element, similar to how modern icon libraries like fontAwesome and feather icons operate.

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