Is it possible to customize the appearance of elements that are disabled using the [disabled] attribute in Angular 8?

I currently have a button on my website that triggers a form:

<button (click)="create()" *ngIf="" [disabled]="!dataForm.valid" color="primary" mat-raised-button>

Under specific conditions, this button disables all fields.

Is there a way to use CSS to style the form only when it is affected by the [disabled] attribute?

Answer №1

@Eudz provided a great approach to tackling the issue. However, if you want to apply a style globally, such as for an invalid input box, you can also use CSS targeting. Angular automatically adds classes to form inputs like ng-invalid, ng-valid, ng-pristine, etc.

You can then target these classes with CSS.

For instance: {
    border: 1px solid red;

Answer №2

A great example of customization is when you need to style an input element based on the validity of a form:

<input type="text" [class.border-danger]="!dataForm.valid">

Alternatively, you can do:

<input type="text" [class.border-danger]="dataForm.invalid">

The condition !dataForm.valid determines whether the button should be disabled.

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