Issue with Left Alignment of Tabs in Material-UI

As of now, material-ui's latest version does not provide support for aligning tabs to the left in the component. However, I came across a workaround on this GitHub page

I have implemented the same workaround, and you can view it here:

Unfortunately, when the first tab is selected, the Tab Bar becomes distorted and has more height than intended.

Answer №1

Alignment to the Left

The Tabs component has undergone its initial migration and has now been merged into the next branch. This feature has been successfully implemented and is now the default behavior. Thank you for providing all the necessary details.

This particular aspect is a supported feature in the currently available v1-beta version.

Fixing Height Issues

We have identified that the Tab Bar is distorted and has an undesirable excess height.

headline: {{ marginTop: '0px' }}

For more information, refer to this comment thread.

Incorporating Padding

I am seeking to add some margin within the container after the tabs terminate.

The layout structure of the tabs seems unconventional to me; strangely enough, applying margins doesn't seem feasible, so I suggest utilizing padding instead:

contentContainerStyle={{ paddingTop:'50px' }}

Adjusting Width

Avoid setting the width directly within the tabItemContainerStyle; consider using a wrapper element instead:

<div calssName='wrapper' style={{ width: '500px' }} /> 
    <Tabs {...}/>

Feel free to explore this example (webpackbin).

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