Mastering the Art of Utilizing Box Component Spacing Props

Easy margin and spacing adjustments are possible with the help of Material-UI. They provide shortcuts that eliminate the need to individually style components with CSS.

In the code snippet below, it's important to note that specifying the measurement unit (px) is necessary for the margin property to be applied correctly.

<Box display="flex" alignItems="center" marginRight={`${theme.spacing(25)}px`}>...</Box>

I prefer relying on MUI to handle styling rather than using CSS classes directly.

It's even better to avoid string concatenation when applying styles.

<Box display="flex" alignItems="center" marginRight={theme.spacing(25)}>...</Box>

Answer №1

After reviewing the documentation (, it is advised not to utilize the theme object in any manner.

<Box display="flex" alignItems="center" marginRight={2}>...</Box>

The value 2 will automatically be passed to theme.spacing() for you, and the px suffix will also be added. This has been tested on version 4.10.

PS. By avoiding the use of theme, there is no need to call useTheme() either.


I believe I may have identified a potential cause for your issue. Take a look at this:

If you are using MUI version 5, you might encounter a message in the console (

It appears that valid values for the margin prop range from 0-8, but you inputted 25 (I have never utilized a value that high).

Kindly note that a value of 1 does not equate to 1px; the return value may vary, though by default it is 8px.

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