Unable to find '.file.scss' in the directory '../pages'

I am currently in the process of migrating my Ionic 3 app to version 4. However, I have encountered an issue where some pages are not recognizing the SCSS file from the TypeScript component.

  selector: 'car-id',
  templateUrl: 'car-id.page.html',
  styleUrls: ['card-id.page.scss']

Interestingly, some pages are working perfectly fine without any issues.

Here is the error message that I am seeing:

[ng] ERROR in ./src/app/pages/car-id/car-id.page.ts
[ng] Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './card-id.page.scss' in '..\src\app\pages\car-id'

Does anyone know how I can go about fixing this? Thank you!

Answer №1

Greetings! I trust you are well!

It appears that the files are not being found in the current directory due to missing folder structure details.

To resolve this, consider using ./ like so (if the files are in the same current folder): -

templateUrl: './card-id.page.html',
styleUrls: ['./card-id.page.scss']

Additionally, please verify if the following is a mistake or an intentional modification by you: -

selector: 'car-id', // Is this the same name used in the parent component?
templateUrl: 'car-id.page.html', // Did you mean 'card' instead of 'car' here?
styleUrls: ['card-id.page.scss'] // Did you intend to use 'car' here instead of 'card'?

I hope this solution resolves your issue! Happy coding!! Cheers!!!

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