Is it possible to change label text using CSS without referencing the element by its ID?

Here is a simple code snippet:

<div class="delem"><label class="required" for="last_name">Full Name :</label><input id="fullname" type="text" name="fullname" value="" class="fullsize" required=""></div>

<div class="delem"><label class="required personal-id" for="identity_number">Personal ID Number:</label><input id="identity_number" type="text" name="_identityNumber" value="" class="fullsize" required=""></div>

I would like to style the "Personal ID Number" text using CSS.

Answer №1

To conceal the text, adjust the font size of the label to 0. Introduce a new text for the label using either the ::before or ::after pseudo-element, and set its font size to match the original size of the label (assuming 1rem).

label[for="identity_number"] {
  font-size: 0

label[for="identity_number"]::after {
  font-size: 1rem;
  content: 'Some other number: ';
<div class="delem"><label class="required" for="identity_number">Personal ID Number:</label><input id="identity_number" type="text" name="_identityNumber" value="" class="fullsize" required=""></div>

Answer №2

.custom-class:nth-child(3) span {
.custom-class:nth-child(3) span::before {
    content:"Type your message here:"}

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