What are some possible applications for leveraging the HTML5 <link rel> attribute duo of stylesheet and next?

The specification for HTML5 emphasizes the handling of each link created within a link element as separate entities. This means that multiple link elements with `rel="stylesheet"` are treated independently, considering them as distinct external resources affected by their own attributes. Additionally, when a single link element contains a `rel` attribute set to `next stylesheet`, it serves both as a hyperlink and an external resource link, with each keyword being influenced differently by other attributes like media or title.

Each link created for a link element is handled separately. For instance, if there are two link elements with rel="stylesheet", they each count as a separate external resource, and each is affected by its own attributes independently. Similarly, if a single link element has a rel attribute with the value next stylesheet, it creates both a hyperlink (for the next keyword) and an external resource link (for the stylesheet keyword), and they are affected by other attributes (such as media or title) differently.


What would be a use case for using rel="next stylesheet" in the same <link> tag?

Answer №1

In my opinion, the hypothetical scenario presented was crafted solely to highlight the concept that a single link tag can incorporate both an external resource and a hyperlink keyword. Among the various link types specified in the linkTypes documentation, it appears that stylesheet is the predominantly used external resource type, hence why it might have been selected for demonstration purposes. Alternatively, the usage of next could easily have been substituted with prev or any other relevant hyperlink keyword.

Answer №2

According to the documentation, "The behavior of links to external resources may vary depending on their relationship." This implies that you possess the authority to control how your resources are fetched.

For instance, if your website uses different stylesheets for each page in a series, you can instruct the browser to preload these styles and inform search engines about the context of each page within your site.

<link rel="prev" href="about.html">
<link rel="next stylesheet" href="portfolio.html">

In this scenario, one advantage is that the 'next' styles are preloaded by the browser, allowing them to be stored in its cache silently. For more information, visit https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Link_prefetching_FAQ

Learn more at http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/types.html#type-links

Answer №3

I can't think of any exceptions at the moment. The usage of next and prev typically denotes a sequential order for reading documents.

Perhaps if a series of documents concluded with a demonstration stylesheet that was utilized to style the preceding page, it could be perceived as relevant. However, this scenario is not commonly encountered in reality.

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