Ways to conceal and reveal content within div elements

I have a code snippet that is currently operational, but I am looking to enhance it by displaying one div at a time.

If you would like to view the code, please visit my CodePen link below:


Due to the extensive amount of HTML and CSS in the code, I refrained from sharing the entire content. My primary issue lies with the JavaScript portion.

My objective is as follows:

Upon clicking the 'Section A Book List' button, only the 'PREVIOUS VERSIONS A' and 'NEW VERSIONS A' sections should be visible.

Similarly, when selecting the 'Section B Book List' button, only the 'PREVIOUS VERSIONS B' and 'NEW VERSIONS B' sections should appear.

Regarding the black areas for 'Book 1' and 'Book 2,' I aim to display 'BOOK 1' when 'Book 1' is clicked, and 'BOOK 2' when 'Book 2' is selected.

Essentially, I require some form of conditional show/hide functionality. I attempted to implement this using jQuery in the provided CodePen example, but I encountered difficulties progressing beyond that point.

Your insights are greatly appreciated. While I made an initial effort, I reached an impasse during the process.

Answer №1

To make each section of the book list wrapper unique, you can assign a specific class or id to them. Here's an example:

<div id="bbl-wrapper1">
  <button class="toggle1">Section A Book List </button>
  <button class="toggle2">Section B Book List </button>

  <div class="clearfix" id="section-a">...</div>

  <div class="clearfix" id="section-b">...</div>

By default, you can hide #section-b:

#section-b {
  display: none;

You can use jQuery to control the visibility of each section like this:

$(document).ready(function() {
  var $secA = $("#section-a");
  var $secB = $("#section-b");

  $('.toggle1').click(function() {

  $('.toggle2').click(function() {

The same approach can be applied to manage BOOK 1 and BOOK 2 sections as well.

Note: Avoid using duplicate ids like bbl in your HTML as they must be unique for each element.

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