Convert a fixed Jquery div to absolute positioning when it reaches the end of the page

I've implemented a Jquery code that adds a fixed class to a div when scrolling down. However, I now want to remove this fixed class when it reaches the bottom of the page and replace it with a new one that includes position:absolute; and margin-bottom:200px;. This adjustment is necessary to prevent the box from overlapping with the footer at the end of the page once the scrolling is completed.

To get a better understanding of what I'm trying to achieve, you can view the JsFiddle file here:


I initially thought that modifying the code in this way would suffice, but it turned out to be ineffective:




I was considering removing the fixed class when the scroll position reaches 80/90 percent of the page, but I am uncertain if this approach is correct.

Answer №1

It may be beneficial to update the code snippet like this:



if($(document).scrollTop()>(window.innerHeight * 0.85)){ 


if($(document).scrollTop()>($(document).innerHeight() * 0.85)){


if(($(document).scrollTop() + window.innerHeight)>($(document).innerHeight() * 0.85)){

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