block height has become a constant challenge for me - despite my various attempts, I still cannot seem

Struggling with adjusting the height of my posts. Any help would be appreciated!

For more details, please visit:

<div class="thumb-img">
<a title="Hiring a Professional Designer for Your Kitchen" href="">
<img class="attachment-home-thumbnail wp-post-image" width="163" height="110" title="Oak kitchen Cupboard" alt="Oak kitchen Cupboard" src="">
<div class="post-text">
<a href="">Hiring a Professional Designer for Your Kitchen</a>
Making sure you choose the right professional is crucial for the success of your kitchen project. It's more important than just having the right vision or budget.
<a class="more-link" href="">
<span class="more">[more]</span>
<div class="wpfblike" style="height: 40px; display: none;">
<fb:like class=" fb_edge_widget_with_comment fb_iframe_widget" send="false" colorscheme="light" action="like" width="400" show_faces="true" layout="default" href="">

Answer №1

Describe the style for the border-bottom property within your list items (li) instead of the .post-text class. Here's an example:

#homepage-images ul li {
    border-bottom: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
    margin-top: 20px;
    width: 560px;
.post-text {
    padding-bottom: 10px;

Answer №2

(1) Make sure to include a div for clearing before each </li>. Follow this important step:

<div style="clear:both"></div>

(2) Transfer the border-bottom style from the post-text div to the li

(3) Consider adding some margin-bottom to the li while decreasing the margin-bottom of the post-text

Answer №3

Adjust the margins and borders on li elements instead of using a div tag.

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