Why is it that text doesn't function properly next to certain images?

I have been using the code below to place text next to an image:

<div style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:bottom">
        <p><img src="CIMA/CimaMetanoia.png" alt="Cool"   height="50%" width="50%" /></p>

    <div style="display:inline-block;">
        <p class="text"> 
        <div> <font color="#d54646"><b>MOVIDA</b> es un ministerio christiano, latino, internacional <br> e interdenominacional con el propósito de: </font> <br><br> </div>
        <div> <b><font color="#2089a4">DESAFIAR</font></b> <br>al joven christiano a una entrega total a Dios y a crecer en su relación con El.<br><br> </div>
        <div> <b><font color="#2089a4">PROVEERLE</font></b> <br> herramientas para que descubra sus dones y talentos.<br><br> </div>
        <div> <b><font color="#2089a4">MOTIVARLO</font></b> <br> a un servicio comprometido en su iglesia local y movilizarlo a las misiones mundiales.<br> </div>

Despite adjusting the size of the image, it consistently appears above the text... why is that?

In the end, I decided to utilize the "initializr" template (found on Google), as it also ensures responsiveness which was necessary for my project! Thank you all, regardless!

Answer №1

To optimize the image display, consider incorporating the position property.

For example:

image{position:fixed , absolute , relative; top:50%; left:50%;}

Another method to try would be:


Answer №2

After a request from a commenter to work with your code only, I have come up with a solution that aligns the 2 divs next to each other using your code.

<div style="float: left; width: 49%;">
<p><img alt="Cool" src="http://placehold.it/350x150" height="50%" width="50%" /></p>

<div style="float: right; width: 49%;">
<p class="text"> 
<div> <font color="#d54646"><b>MOVIDA</b> es un ministerio christiano, latino, internacional <br> e interdenominacional con el propósito de: </font> <br><br> </div>
<div> <b><font color="#2089a4">DESAFIAR</font></b> <br>al joven christiano a una entrega total a Dios y a crecer en su relación con El.<br><br> </div>
<div> <b><font color="#2089a4">PROVEERLE</font></b> <br> herramientas para que descubra sus dones y talentos.<br><br> </div>
<div> <b><font color="#2089a4">MOTIVARLO</font></b> <br> a un servicio comprometido en su iglesia local y movilizarlo a las misiones mundiales.<br> </div>

EDITED I have formatted the code below for an improved version based on your request. Feel free to consider these alternatives for your solution.

<style type="text/css>;
    .left {
      float: left;
      width: 50%;
      height: 50%;
    .left img {
      width: 100%;
      height: 100%;
    .right {
      float: right;
    .movida strong {
      color: #d54646;
    .common strong {
      color: #2089a4;
    .text strong {
      display: block;
      font-weight: bold;
<div class="left">
    <p><img src="CIMA/CimaMetanoia.png" alt="Cool" /></p>
<div class="right">
    <p class="text"> 
        <div><span class="movida"><strong>MOVIDA</strong>es un ministerio christiano, latino, internacional e interdenominacional con el propósito de:</span></div>
        <div><span class="common"><strong>DESAFIAR</strong>al joven christiano a una entrega total a Dios y a crecer en su relación con El.</span></div>
        <div><span class="common"><strong>PROVEERLE</strong>herramientas para que descubra sus dones y talentos.</span></div>
        <div><span class="common"><strong>MOTIVARLO</strong>a un servicio comprometido en su iglesia local y movilizarlo a las misiones mundiales.</span></div>

Answer №3

The positioning of the text is affected by the image, causing it to be pushed below due to the total width of both container divs exceeding the page width, resulting in the second div appearing below the first:

<div style="display:inline-block;vertical-align:bottom;width:200px;">


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