Positioning a material UI dialog in the middle of the screen, taking into account variations in its height

Dealing with an MUI Dialog that has a dynamic height can be frustrating, especially when it starts to "jump around" the screen as it adjusts to fit the content filtered by the user. Take a look at this issue:


An easy fix for this problem would be to remove the alignItems property from the dialogPaper using the classes property. Here's an example:

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  pivottedDialog: {
    alignItems: 'unset',

const MyDialog = () => (
      scrollPaper: classes.pivottedDialog

However, this solution causes the dialog to lose its centered position on the screen, which is essential for the full list dialog without any filters applied. I want the dialog to start in the same position as the original one, regardless of screen size (above 600px width)


How can I achieve this?

I've attempted adjusting the positioning and using the top property for the pivottedDialog class, but it doesn't remain consistent across different screen sizes. It needs to stay centered and responsive on all screens wider than 600px.

I created a demo app with both dialogs, which you can experiment with here: https://codesandbox.io/s/crazy-tesla-emc8m?file=/src/App.js

Answer №1

If the height of DialogContent changes based on the filter selection, it is suggested to set specific heights and widths for both the Dialog and DialogContent.

See a Demo in Action:


Why Does the Content Shift? The issue arises from the use of flexbox properties such as display: flex, justify-content: center, and align-items: center, which align the content to the center of the dialog box relative to the view port.

Are There Any Solutions? Custom layouts or modals can be implemented to achieve a centered modal. Check out this demo for more details:


The demo example uses a layout with three rows, anchoring the modal at the top of the second row to allow for expansion within that row only.

|                           |
|         Empty Row         |
|      · 25% of view        |
|   |------ Modal ------|   |
|   |  · Top anchored   |   |
|   |  · Expandable †   |   |
|   |  · 50% of view    |   |
|   |___________________|   |
|                           |
|                           |
|                           |
|                           |
|         Empty Row         |
|      · 25% of view        |

† Modal can only expand to the max height of the row it resides within

This setup allows the modal to resize while remaining centered vertically and horizontally. However, uneven division of viewport space may lead to squished results in small viewports.

The benefits include:

Best Approach: Setting defined height/width for the modal is the most straightforward solution. Alternatively, consider using a filterable dropdown select list to prevent modal height interference.

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