Are there any plugins available that can create a Ken Burns effect using JQuery?

All I need is a straightforward plugin, not one for creating slideshows. In this case, I only have 1 div and 1 image.

The goal is to have the image animate within the div, shifting left/right or up/down without any white space visible. The size of the image will be larger than the div, allowing this dynamic effect to take place.

Answer №1

A fantastic resource is available at: 1

Answer №2

1 Adjust the preset backgroundPosition settings.

2 Set the background-image of your target div to your desired image.

3 To Pan: Experiment with the coordinates of backgroundPosition like '1px 240px', and adjust opacity for better readability.

4 Use a longer timeout and/or ease for smoother animations.

5 However, zooming may not be possible using this method.

It seems that background-size: 50% 50% or -moz-background-size: 100% 100% do not function properly.

    backgroundPosition: "10px 100px"
  }, 5000).animate({
    backgroundPosition: "10px 10px"
  }, 5000);

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