Creating a HTML and JavaScript carousel without relying on the animate function

I am currently facing some challenges with building a custom slider. While it moves forward smoothly using CSS animation, I'm struggling to implement a backward motion with an animation. It seems like I need to loop through the slides and try a different approach, but I can't figure it out at the moment.

Initially, I tried setting the current_slide by adding an .active class to the first article on load and then using the jQuery index function, but that didn't work as expected. Also, I'm not familiar with the 'props:' syntax and my online search hasn't been very helpful. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

Make sure to take a look at this code snippet:

$('.block-13 .show-more.prev').click(function () {

    var last = $('.block-13 .list li:last-child');


    $('.block-13 .list').filter(':not(:animated)').prepend(last);

    $('.block-13 .list').filter(':not(:animated)').css({
        right: '+=' + width

    $('.block-13 .list').filter(':not(:animated)').animate({
        right: '-=' + width


You should insert the element (specifically, '.carousel-prev') before starting the animation.

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