Arrange floating elements in a three-column layout

Can anyone help me with a CSS solution to make boxes with different heights stack underneath each other neatly, similar to Tetris?

Here's my code:


#page .equipeBox{


<div id="page">
  <div style="font-size:40px">****</div>
  <hr />
    <div class="equipeBox">Box 1<br>(Content)</div>
    <div class="equipeBox">Box 2<br>(Content)</div>
    <div class="equipeBox">Box 3<br>(Content)</div>
    <div class="equipeBox">Box 4<br>(Content)</div>
    <div class="clear"></div>

I want the "Box 4" to go under Box 1 and fill the remaining space, and for any additional boxes to follow this pattern. Any CSS solutions to achieve this dynamically?


I have many more boxes, not just 4 or 5, so I need a CSS solution that can handle them all and stack them neatly.

EDIT 2 I'm now trying Masonry.js to address the excessive space between the stacked boxes. How can I reduce the space between them like on the Masonry website?

I'm using this function

    itemSelector: '.equipeBox'

Answer №1

Be sure to have a look at Masonary.js or you can also check out this helpful tutorial here.

Answer №2

To create a visually appealing layout, consider floating box 3 to the right while aligning the rest to the left. Alternatively, you can group together box 1 and 4 in a wrapper for better organization.

Answer №3

Following the principle of Tetris, this particular arrangement proves to be optimal as box 3 has a lower height compared to box 1....

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