Is it possible for me to create two images with varying opacities using jQuery hover?

I am having an issue with the small rounded button on my effect. I want it to be fully opaque and still clickable, but currently it is taking on the opacity of the entire link. If I adjust the z-index, the button goes on top of the link but then the fancybox does not launch.

.img-hover > a  {
.img-hover {
.img-hover .hover {
    padding:10px 15px 20px 20px;

If you'd like to view the code, here is the jsfiddle I created

Thank you for any help in advance!

Answer №1

To control layering order, adjust the z-index and utilize the following code snippet:

$(function() {
        function() {
            $(this).children("a").fadeTo(200, 0.5).end().children(".hover").show();
        function() {
            $(this).children("a").fadeTo(200, 1).end().children(".hover").hide();


In more recent browsers, you can also apply pointer-events:none;

View DEMO with pointer-events

Answer №2


Apologies, it seems I misunderstood your requirements. Here is an example that aligns with what you are looking for:

Utilize rgba or hsla for the background color:


  0,  // R red
  0,  // G green
  0,  // B blue
  0.5 // A alpha


  0,  // H hue
  0%, // S saturation
  0%, // L lightness
  0.5 // A alpha

To ensure compatibility across different browsers, consider including the following:

background-color: #000; /* Old browsers (IE8<) */
background-color: hsla(0,0%,0%,0.5); /* Modern browsers */

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