Utilizing jQuery in combination with HTML and CSS

I'm having an issue with implementing jQuery animations for adding a new row on form submit. Additionally, I need to dynamically add and remove classes with animation effects without altering the HTML or CSS files (as this project is for school).

Here is the current jQuery code snippet:

  $("form").submit(function(event) {


    var id = $("table tr").length;
    var naziv = $("#naziv").val();
    var cena = $("#cena").val();
    var kolicina = $("#kolicina").val();
    var cenaSkupaj = cena * kolicina;
    var tip = $("#tip").val();
    var rok = $("#rok_trajanja").is(":checked") ? "Expired" : "Not expired";

    $("table").append("<tr><td>" + id + "</td><td>" + naziv + "</td><td>" + cena + " €</td><td>" + 
    kolicina + "</td><td>" + cenaSkupaj + " €</td><td>" + tip + "</td><td>" + rok + "</td></tr>");



Answer №1

Kind of like this...

let new_row = "<tr><td>" + id + "</td><td>" + name + "</td><td>" + price + " €</td><td>" + 
    quantity + "</td><td>" + totalPrice + " €</td><td>" + type + "</td><td>" + deadline + "</td></tr>";


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