Is it necessary to always include all styles for jQuery UI separately in my project?

While reading various articles, I have noticed a common suggestion to explicitly bundle each jQueryUI .css file, such as the answer provided on How to add jQueryUI library in MVC 5 project?. However, upon examining the .css files within the Content/themes/base directory generated by Nuget, I came across the file named all.css, which actually combines all the other CSS files.

Personally, it seems more straightforward to just bundle the all.css file. Yet, there's a lingering thought about whether the css @import directives utilized in this file will still function properly in a script bundle.

Answer №1

From my understanding, referencing jquery.ui.all.css is the solution to this issue.

Although, I believe that in most cases, utilizing the entire library is unnecessary. Being specific in your initial configuration (such as including each used style reference) will allow for easy removal or commenting out of references that are not required. It will also aid other developers in identifying which references are actually included in that bundle.

One thing to note about naming jquery ui style bundles:

[..] it is important to ensure that your CSS bundle names mirror the physical directory structure of your application. When you install the jQuery UI nuget package, your stylesheets will be placed in the /content/themes/base/ directory, so it is advisable to name your bundle "~/content/themes/base/jqueryui" to ensure that everything [sprites/images] functions properly.

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