Steps to switch the displayed ionicon when the menu is toggled

My goal is to display the 'menu-outline' ionicon on my website until it is clicked, at which point the icon will change to 'close-outline' and vice versa. I am utilizing jQuery for this functionality.

Although I am aware of how to toggle classes, my ionicons are identified by their names rather than classes:

<a class="menu-button js-menu-button"><ion-icon name="menu-outline"></ion-icon></a>

Currently, my jQuery code toggles the menu but doesn't handle the icon switching:

 $(".js-menu-button").click(function() {
    var nav = $(".js-main-nav");
    var icon = $(".js-menu-button ion-icon");
    /* appear and disappear */

I am wondering if there is a way to toggle the name of the icon or if there is an alternative approach to achieve this effect. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Answer №1

If you want to switch the icon name, you can use the following code snippet:

$(".js-menu-button").click(function() {
    var nav = $(".js-main-nav");
    var icon = $(".js-menu-button ion-icon");
    if (icon.attr("name") == "menu-outline") {
      icon.attr("name", "close-outline");
    } else {
      icon.attr("name", "menu-outline");
    // Toggle visibility

Alternatively, you can achieve the same result with this code:

$(".js-menu-button").click(function() {
    var nav = $(".js-main-nav");
    var icon = $(".js-menu-button ion-icon");
    icon.attr('name', function(index, attribute) {
        return attribute == "menu-outline" ? "close-outline" : "menu-outline";
    // Toggle visibility

Answer №2

It could be past the typical hours, but I encountered a similar issue while working in JavaScript. A practical solution would be to define a class (such as 'toggle-mode') within your ion-icon element like so:

<ion-icon class="toggle-mode" name="moon-outline"> </ion-icon>

Once you have done this, you can easily access and modify the icon name (using with an approach like the one shown below: = == "moon-outline" ? "sunny-outline" : "moon-outline";

In this scenario, I am switching between 'sunny-outline' and 'moon-outline'.

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