Is it common for content to duplicate when using the 'position: fixed' property in CSS media print?

Consider the following div element:

    <div id='section-to-print'>CONT

Accompanied by this CSS code snippet:

    @media print {
    * {
        -webkit-transition: none !important;
        transition: none !important;
    body * {
        visibility: hidden;
      #section-to-print {
        position: fixed;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
      #section-to-print, #section-to-print * {
        visibility: visible;

When attempting to print (e.g. ctrl+ p), only the content area is displayed as expected, but it appears duplicated. Emulating print media in Chrome shows the correct output. Interestingly, removing or changing the position: fixed; property in the CSS resolves the duplication issue, albeit at an incorrect position.

This unusual behavior puzzles me as I could not find any similar cases online and have never encountered it before. Has anyone experienced content duplication when printing? I have replicated the issue on multiple computers with the same result.

Answer №1

After encountering a similar issue, I stumbled upon a solution that worked wonders for me. Surprisingly, switching to position static instead of fixed did the trick! Isn't it strange?

For further insights into this dilemma, check out:

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