How can I center two images using a hover effect in WordPress?

When the mouse hovers over an image, it changes to another image. Everything works smoothly except for one issue - the image is not centered. Below is the code I am currently using:


        <img class="hover" src="nachher.jpg" alt="" width="60%" />
        <img class="nohover" src="vorher.jpg" alt="" width="60%/" />
    <figcaption>some text here</figcaption>


img.nohover {border:0;} 
img.hover {border:0;display:none;} 
a:hover img.hover {display:inline;} 
a:hover img.nohover {display:none;}

The main question arises: How can I center the image(s) within the figure?

Answer №1

To achieve the desired effect, I suggest moving the width: 60% to the figure element and setting the images to width: 100%.

img.nohover {border:0;} 
img.hover {border:0;display:none;} 
a:hover img.hover {display:inline;} 
a:hover img.nohover {display:none;}
figure {
  width: 60%;
  margin: auto;
img {
  width: 100%;
  <a><img class="hover" src="" alt="" />
    <img class="nohover" src="" alt="" /></a>
  <figcaption>some text here</figcaption>

To center the figure horizontally, apply margin: auto to it.

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