How can I simplify the CSS properties for this border?

I created a div named "commentbox" and I want to apply a border with the color #ccc. However, I only want the left, top, and bottom sides of the div to be bordered, leaving the right side untouched. Thank you!

Answer №1

most likely

  border: solid #ccc;
  border-right: none;

Answer №2

The following code snippet is an effective solution:

.commentbox {
border: 2px solid #ccc;
border-right: none; /* alternatively, some may use: '0 none transparent' */

Essentially, by utilizing the shorthand property in the first line, you specify the width, style, and color of the border. Subsequently, you set the style to none (although alternatives like border-right-width: 0 or border-right-color: transparent can also achieve the same outcome in compliant browsers).

Answer №3

If you want to create a three-sided border, follow these steps:

  border:1px solid color #ccc;

In this code snippet, the rule border:1px solid color #ccc; will add a border to all four sides of the element. The subsequent rule border-right:none; will specifically remove the border from the right side, resulting in a three-sided border effect.

To learn more about creating unique design elements like this, check out the post on CSS-Trick.Com:

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