Is Inline Styling the Key to Effective MVC Client-Side Validation?

Having some trouble with my form's client-side validation. I'm using data annotations and models, but the default display is not visually appealing. I've tried applying CSS, but getting tooltip style errors has been a challenge.

What I really want is something like this:

Most implementations I've found require adding new DOM elements during validation for display, whereas we only have a single element containing the validation message by default.

I was hoping to find a JQuery plugin or MVC-compatible project that allows for easy implementation of this type of validation, as I'm more of a coder than a designer.

If there isn't a straightforward solution, no problem. Thanks in advance for any help!

Answer №1

My implementation of validation is similar to the demo URL, utilizing MVC validation and custom CSS. Crafting this functionality isn't overly complex - here's a snippet of my CSS:

    background:url('/Styles/icons/validation-box-medium.gif') no-repeat;
    padding:10px 4px 4px 28px;

In addition, my view code resembles the following structure:

    <div class="editor-label">
        <%: Html.LabelRequiredFor(model => model.Product.Price)%>
    <div class="editor-field">
        <%: Html.TextBoxTwoDecimalFor(model => model.Product.Price)%>
        <div style="clear:both;"></div>
        <%= Html.ValidationMessageFor(model => model.Product.Price)%>

I have implemented a separate CSS class for "clear:both" instead of resorting to inline styles, although I've omitted it in this example.

Feel free to utilize any or all components of this post, including the image provided :-)

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