iOS: Incorrect element is currently being scrolled by the user

I encountered an unusual scrolling problem on iOS (7 or 8) while browsing

How can you replicate this issue?

  1. Visit the example page on your iPhone/iPad/iOS Simulator in landscape mode
  2. Use your right thumb to touch and scroll the main content (right side)
  3. Release your right thumb
  4. Now, use your left thumb to touch the left side (which is a div with overflow: scroll) and attempt to scroll. Instead of the div, the entire page scrolls. Release your left thumb.
  5. If the issue doesn't occur immediately, repeat steps from 2 until it does.
  6. Try touching the left side again with your left thumb, it should now scroll correctly.

Any insights on what might be causing this problem? How can it be resolved?

Answer №1

When it comes to iOS web browsers, fixed positioned elements like your left div can sometimes cause trouble with scrolling. In my experience with various web projects, I've encountered issues and bugs that are hard to explain. While I don't have a perfect solution, I just wanted to share that I've faced similar challenges before :)

One possible approach is to avoid fixed positioning and scrolling for mobile devices altogether or consider using a third-party scroll library such as .

In my personal use, these libraries have been quite effective on iOS devices.

Alternatively, if you prefer a different mobile solution, you could utilize media queries to adjust the positioning of elements based on screen size.

@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
  .column-left { ... }

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