Designing hover-activated submenus and ensuring they appear at the forefront

I am currently utilizing jquery to implement a dropdown submenu on hover action.

Here is the structure of the code:

<div id="menucontainer">
  <ul id = "topmenu">
    <li><a onmouseover="javascript:show('div_1');">menu_1</a></li>
    <li><a onmouseover="javascript:show('div_2');">menu_2</a></li>
    <li><a onmouseover="javascript:show('div_3');">menu_3</a></li> # using onmouseover since generated from templates

  <div id="div_1" class="submenu">
      <li> submenu_1 </li>
      <li> submenu_2 </li>
      <li> submenu_3 </li>
  <div id="div_3" class="submenu">
      <li> submenu_1 </li>
      <li> submenu_2 </li>
      <li> submenu_3 </li>
  <div id="div_3" class="submenu">
      <li> submenu_1 </li>
      <li> submenu_2 </li>
      <li> submenu_3 </li>
#topmenu {
  list-style: none;
#topmenu > li {
  display: inline-block;
.submenu {
  display: none;

function show(divid) {
  $('.submenu').css('display', 'none');
  $('#'+divid).css('display', 'block');

An issue arises when show(div) function is triggered and the submenu div appears, there is another div positioned after "menucontainer" that obstructs clicks on the displayed div. How can this problem be resolved?

Answer №1

Your HTML code has been restructured for simplicity, and event listeners are now recommended over inline function calls. Feel free to reach out if any part of this modification doesn't suit your needs.

Explore the updated code on JSFiddle

<div id="menucontainer">
    <ul id="topmenu">
        <li><a href="#">menu_1</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">menu_2</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">menu_3</a></li>
    <div id="div_1" class="submenu">
    <div id="div_2" class="submenu">
    <div id="div_3" class="submenu">

$('#topmenu li a').hover(function () {
    var myItem = $(this).parents('li').index() + 1;
    $('#div_' + myItem).slideDown();
}, function () {

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