Tips on making a material-ui grid fill up the entire screen

Currently, I am working on developing a layout that resembles most editor/IDE setups using material-ui and react. In this layout, I have a top bar, a bottom bar, side panels on both sides, and a center area. My main concern is how to ensure that this grid takes up the entire screen.

At the moment, the grid only expands based on the min-height of its inner elements. I specifically want the side panels to extend vertically to fill the screen completely.

If you would like to see an example of the layout I am aiming for, you can check out this simple demo:

To clarify, my goal is to expand the grid to cover the entire screen by enlarging only the central container.

Answer №1

After conducting some research, I managed to achieve the desired outcome (an IDE-like layout) by utilizing viewport units and the css 'calc' function.

I implemented two material-ui Grid components, named 'mainGrid' with a default row direction, and 'middleGrid' with a column direction. The styling for mainGrid is as follows:

mainGrid: {
    width: '100vw',
    height: '100vh',
    spacing: 0,
    justify: 'space-around'

As for middleGrid:

middleGrid: {
    height: `calc(100vh - ${uiDefault.APPBAR_HEIGHT})`,
    spacing: 0,
    direction: 'column'

The constant APPBAR_HEIGHT defines the fixed height of my top navigation bar. This approach simplifies achieving a proper full-screen layout. The results can be viewed in the same codesandbox provided in the original question:

Answer №2

        border: "dotted",
        maxWidth: "80%",
        minHeight: "90vh",

border: "dotted", (you can remove this for better aesthetics) consider using <Flex> instead

Answer №3

<Box styles={{main: {width: '100%'}}}>
    Content inside the box

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