Inquiring about paint-order support for HTML elements using @supports

For those looking to create boldly stroked texts in Firefox and Safari, using paint-order and text-stroke (or the prefixed -webkit-text-stroke) is the way to go.

Here's an example:

h1 {
  -webkit-text-stroke: 5px red;
        paint-order: stroke fill;
<h1>Text With Outline</h1>

In Chrome, this method won't work since it only supports paint-order on SVG elements. So, how can one check for paint-order support on regular HTML elements? The idea is to use text-shadow as a fallback by checking with CSS's @supports.

@supports not ((paint-order: stroke fill) and (-webkit-text-stroke: 5px $color)) {
            0 0 0.1em $color,
            0 0 0.25em $color,
            0 0 0.5em $color;


The issue arises when Chrome falsely reports that it supports paint-order: stroke fill (even though it does so only for SVG). How should the rule be adjusted to make the distinction and get the fallback working correctly with @support in CSS?

Answer №1

After conducting some investigation, it appears that the paint-order property for HTML text does not function in Chrome. However, it functions correctly in all other major browsers. To address this issue, I have devised a solution using a transparent stroke and background clipping:

background: #B276FF;
-webkit-background-clip: text;
-webkit-text-stroke: 40px transparent;
color: black;

This approach performs as expected across all browsers without requiring the use of text-shadow. In my scenario, when utilizing a large stroke, text-shadow did not behave as intended.

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