Informing users of the availability of an iOS app on the website

Is there a simple way to notify iOS users about your app when they visit your website? While I know how to detect user agents and write JavaScript, I'm curious if there is an existing library for this purpose.

In the absence of such a solution, are there any effective methods to inform our users about our app, allow them to download it, and ensure that they don't see the message again if they have already downloaded or closed the dialog?

UPDATE: I previously used a method for detecting iPhone and iPad devices, but it seemed intrusive to the user experience. Therefore, I am searching for more lightweight alternatives.

 * Function to determine if the device is an iPhone
 * @version $Revision: 0.1
puc.isIphone = function(){
    return (
        (navigator.platform.indexOf("iPhone") != -1) ||
        (navigator.platform.indexOf("iPod") != -1)

 * Function to determine if the device is an iPad
 * @version $Revision: 0.1
puc.isIpad = function(){
    return (navigator.platform.indexOf("iPad") != -1);

* Function to check for mobile browsers and provide an option to view a different site
* @access public
*/ = function() {

    if (puc.isIphone() || puc.isIpad()) {

        // Add link to remove cookie
        $('#copyright').append('<p><a id="remove-iphone-cookie">Reset Mobile Preferences</a></p>');

        // Allow Deleting of the cookie
        $('#remove-iphone-cookie').click(function() {
            $.cookie('use_mobile', null);
            alert('Preferences have been reset.');
            return false;

        if ($.cookie('use_mobile') == null) {

            var conf = confirm('Would you like to download the PUC Mobile iOS app?');
            if (conf) {
                document.location = '';
                $.cookie('use_mobile', 'true');
            } else {
                // Never ask them again, unless they empty their cookies
                $.cookie('use_mobile', 'false');    


    }//end if mobile

}//end mobile

Answer №1

Identifying the user-agent on a browser is a straightforward task when it comes to differentiating between devices like iPhone, iPod, and iPad. For more information on detecting user-agents for Safari on iOS devices, check out this resource:

However, determining whether a user has the app installed is where you may encounter challenges. Apple prioritizes privacy and does not allow sharing of user information outside its ecosystem, especially online. As a result, displaying the information to all users initially may be necessary. You can consider using cookies to track whether users have viewed the information, but keep in mind that the longevity of these cookies is not guaranteed.

Best of luck with your project!

Answer №2

If you come across an iOS device, one clever solution is to trigger a confirm alert using JavaScript like demonstrated in this provided link ( Rather than a simple 'ok' button, you can set it up to redirect the user to the AppStore URL directly for a seamless transition.

Answer №3

Looking for a way to determine if an app has been installed? Well, one method is to check if the app responds to a specific custom URL scheme. By attempting to open a URL associated with the app and checking if the browser remains on the same page after a specified timeout, you can gauge whether or not the app is installed. This approach allows you to create links that seamlessly direct users to either open the app or visit the app store.

However, it's important to note that once the link is clicked, there's no way to prevent it from opening the app if it's already installed. The challenge lies in ensuring a smooth user experience regardless of the app's installation status.

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