Exploring Vue 3: Choosing between using import statements in main.js and configuring additionalData in vue.config.js to load a global scss file

I am attempting to load a global SCSS file using the "vue.config.js" file.


module.exports = {
css: {
  loaderOptions: {
    sass: {
      additionalData: `@import "@/assets/common.scss";`


If I include the style tag in my App.vue with any code like the following:


<style lang="scss">
  display: block;

This successfully applies the SCSS styles to all pages. However, the issue arises when I omit the style tag in App.vue, as the styles are not applied.

By using import in main.js, I can avoid the need for style tags in App.vue.


import './assets/common.scss'

Why does this happen? Is this the expected behavior? How can I configure vue.config.js to apply the styles without requiring the style tags?

Answer №1

Just wanted to contribute my thoughts on this topic, and perhaps someone else can provide additional insights for a more comprehensive understanding. The vue.config.js file allows you to specify how the vue-loader should handle <style> tags. In this case, the preprocessor is set to scss. If the file does not contain a style tag, no styles will be injected, and the vue-loader won't know which preprocessor to use, as in the case of

<style lang="scss">
. On the other hand, if the import is included in the main file, it will be added to the index.html, affecting every component but more like a standard HTML import.

It is recommended to always use the style tag, as it is a common practice in Vue component templates.

For further reading, check out the following resources:

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