Increasing the position of a div using Django

Currently, I am working on a website project for a client who wants to incorporate a unique feature which involves having a very wide but not very tall page.

One challenge I am facing is the placement of a list of objects on the page in a way that they continue to the right indefinitely.

Here is the simplified code I have come up with so far:

{%  for x in list %}
    <div style="position:absolute; left:{% widthratio forloop.counter0 1 400 %}">
        <img src="{{ x.image.url }}" alt="{{ x.title }}"/>
{%  endfor %}

While this code works, I feel like it is somewhat of a hack. I am seeking a better and more elegant solution to ensure that regardless of the browser size, the items remain aligned in a row and a scroll bar allows users to navigate to the right.

I would appreciate any suggestions or assistance on this matter. Thank you in advance!

Answer №2

This question pertains to CSS, not Django.

To align elements beside each other, floating them is the way to go.

<div style="float:left;">

It is recommended to define the style in a separate stylesheet and assign a class to the div that reflects that style.

Answer №3

When employing absolute positioning, there's no need to fret over the element's confinement by size as long as you apply the style display: inline;. This will allow it to expand in relation to the elements within it. It's advisable to utilize display: inline; and/or float: left; to prevent your inner elements from wrapping onto the following line.

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